Recently, there has been a lot of chatter about how the Coronavirus has an HIV-like mutation, and even Prince Harry advised the world to get tested for HIV, the virus that was once considered a disease that affected primarily homosexuals. The Prince of Wales stating that he’s attempting to normalize HIV testing for everyone. The The UNAIDS site lists the following statistics about HIV:
- 37.7 million people globally were living with HIV in 2020.
- 1.5 million people became newly infected with HIV in 2020.
- 680 000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2020.
- 1.7 million [1.2 million–2.2 million] children (0–14 years).
- 53% of all people living with HIV were women and girls.
In today’s post we are going to take a deep-dive into HIV, Long Covid, Lymphoma, Leukemia, Chronic Inflammation, the symptoms associated with each, and their relationship to one another.
What is HIV?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus is believed to be a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, damaging the cells responsible for protecting the body from pathogenic infection.
If left untreated, HIV leads to AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome), the end-stage of chronic, impaired immune function where the body is no longer able to fight off infection or to protect itself.
What are the Symptoms of early-stage HIV?
- Fever
- Headache
- Muscle aches and joint pain
- Rash
- Sore throat and painful mouth sores
- Swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Cough
- Night sweats
What are the Symptoms of Late-Stage HIV?
- Fever.
- Fatigue.
- Swollen lymph nodes — often one of the first signs of HIV infection.
- Diarrhea.
- Weight loss.
- Oral yeast infection (thrush)
- Shingles (herpes zoster)
- Pneumonia.
What are the Most Common Known Side Effects of the Covid-19 Vaccine?
*Data collected from VAERS website from 3,241,006 adverse event reports*
- Fever – 109,894 (14.58%)
- Fatigue – 109,894 (14.58%)
- Headache – 107,880 (14.32%)
- Diarrhea – 24,420 (3.24%)
- Muscle & Joint Pain – 93,703 (12.44%)
- Herpes Zoster – 7,165 (0.95%)

A few less common side effects but with statistical significance to note:
- Oral Thrush and Global Candidiasis
- Swollen Lymph Nodes
Long Covid Symptoms
- Headache
- Shortness of breath
- Fatigue
- Long-Term Muscle & Joint Pain
- Dizziness
- Brain Fog
- Night Sweats
- Latent Herpes/Epstein Barr Virus Reactivation
- Skin Rashes/”Covid Toes”
What are the Symptoms of Lymphoma?
According to the Mayo Clinic, the following are common symptoms of Lymphoma:
- Swollen Lymph Nodes
- Chronic fatigue
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Shortness of breath
- Unexplained weight loss
- Itchy skin/rashes
What are the Symptoms of Leukemia?
- Fever or chills
- Chronic fatigue
- Frequent or severe infections
- Weight loss
- Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen
- Easy bleeding or bruising
- Nosebleeds
- Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae)
- Night Sweats
- Bone pain
Chronic Inflammation Symptoms
- Muscle & Joint Pain
- Skin Rashes
- Chronic Fatigue
- Headaches
- Swollen Lymph Nodes
- Brain Fog
- Dizziness
Why Does HIV, Cancer, Long Covid, Chronic Inflammation and The Covid-19 Vaccine All Share the Same Symptoms?
How could a virus, inflammation, Cancer, and a vaccine all share the same symptoms/side effects if they are all completely different things?
This post is in no way an anti-vaccination campaign, as I believe in health and the freedom of choice. My goal is simply to provide you with a different perspective on some of the greatest challenges affecting the collective today in an attempt to increase awareness about an innate, physiological system that we so often overlook, and yet is the cornerstone of our health and well-being.
In order to understand how a virus, inflammation, Cancer and vaccine can behave the same way within the body, provoking the same symptoms and essentially creating the same dis-ease, we must first understand one key aspect, and that is this:
Symptoms are NOT The Disease/Illness/Pathogen
I’m not sure who needs to hear this today, but let me say that again:
Symptoms are not the disease, the illness or the pathogen.
How many times in your life have you or your child fallen ill, developed a fever and you’ve run to the medicine cabinet to get ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce it?
How many times have you experienced nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or heartburn and you’ve taken something to calm your stomach?
How many times have you had a headache and you’ve taken something to relieve the pain?
Swollen joints? Antiinflammatories.
Itchy skin? Corticosteroids.
Allergies? Decongestants.
We have been led to believe that the symptoms are an expression of the virus/bacteria/pathogen itself and that we need to reduce and inhibit the symptoms in order to restore our body back to health.
But I want to invite you to think deeper about this for a moment.
Have you ever wondered why whenever you resort to Dr. Google the answer is always “you have Cancer.”? I can’t tell you how many people message me on a daily basis, overwhelmed and utterly perplexed as they weren’t feeling well, took to Google and immediately discovered they had all the same symptoms like those listed in an article about Cancer.
Is it a coincidence?
What if it’s something else?
What if, instead of assuming Dr. Google is attempting to incite fear, or that you’ve got Cancer…
What if we took a moment to change our thinking?
Every single one of the symptoms I mentioned above is an immune response.
An expression of the immune system. The body’s innate reaction to an attack, trauma, or physiological stressor OR it is the result of compromised immune function, in the case of Herpes Zoster and long-term immuno-deficiency.
Swollen lymph nodes indicate inflammation in the lymphatic system. Your body is attempting to clear the waste and the toxins are perceived as a pathogenic threat by your body so it sends inflammation to help mitigate the damage.
A fever is the body’s best line of defense against a pathogen as on a cellular level, which many of these microorganisms are; even the subtlest of changes in body temperature make proliferation within the host extremely challenging.
Night sweats (or any form of hyperhidrosis) is the body’s attempt at removing water-soluble waste from the body once the kidneys are unable to manage this process efficiently.
Chronic fatigue and encephalopathy are indications of inflammation in the brain. The brain becomes burdened by toxins and the body mounts an immune response to try to clear the toxins and restore proper function.
Rashes, pruritus, eczema, urticaria, and psoriasis are all immune expressions through the skin. When the kidneys and lungs are unable to process and excrete toxins, the body tries to remove them through the skin as a final attempt before resorting to storage in connective and adipose tissue (fat).
Homotoxicology: Explained
If all of these symptoms are related and are simply immune expressions, then what differentiates the display of HIV in one person, Cancer in another and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Inflammation in someone else?
The answer is simple, yet vastly complex:
The terrain.
The concept of the terrain can be extremely challenging to digest, so I am going to briefly summarize it for you here:
The terrain is the sum of a person’s life experiences, both endogenous and exogenous, including spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. It includes genetic expressions, Miasms, emotional experiences, immune experience throughout life, environmental exposures, nutrition and lifestyle habits, and ancestral toxin exposure.
While no two terrains are the same, that which affects each individual’s terrain in our world today is more or less the same – toxicity and stress aka. Toxemia.
The liver is designed to carry out more than 500 metabolic functions within the body, and not one of those functions is, or ever has been to filter the 250,000+ toxic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis. It is posited that there are somewhere between 24,000 – 84,000 toxic chemicals in commerce today, but that does not include the chemical compounds that are created by the combination of those chemicals in our environments and within our bodies, nor does it include the breakdown of the endogenous chemicals that are created by the enzymatic breakdown of these toxins within our body.
What is the Liver’s Role in Immune Health?
In addition to basic metabolic functions like waste removal, blood filtration, sugar regulation, hormone synthesis, fat breakdown and assimilation, and the creation of essential nutrients, our liver is also responsible for the synthesis of the Complement System, a vital yet often overlooked component of our immune system.
The Complement System
The complement system is a fundamental part of our innate immune system in which a series of enzymatic reactions are triggered in a cascade sequence to help facilitate phagocytosis and antibody remediation by the body’s immune cells. The enzymes in this cascade assist in infiltration of the cellular membrane of the pathogen, playing a crucial role in the lysation of the cell. These valuable enzymes are created primarily in the liver.
The 6 Stages of Dis-ease
Merriam Webster defines disease as:
a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms. Source
On the contrary, Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, MD, Allopath, Homoeopath, Naturopath (1905-1985) defines disease and its causes as the following:
“Homotoxicology is based on the principle that diseases are caused by homotoxins. According to Dr. Reckeweg, illnesses are agent-determined reactive processes in which homotoxins can cause the body to react with inflammation. He described a homotoxin as “any substance that creates a direct or indirect toxic burden in the human organism.” The target structure of the homotoxin is the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix or space acts as a molecular sieve between the capillary system, the lymph vessels, and the cells which are to be supplied with nutrients or have their waste removed. All substances and information reaching a cell are filtered through the molecular sieve of the extracellular matrix (ground substance). The sieve can become clogged, but can be restored to functionality through appropriate detoxification measures” Source
That is to say, if we apply the concept of Homotoxicology to the notion of disease, we quickly see that the “distinguishing signs and symptoms” as outlined by Merriam Webster, are in fact, simply a cumulative reactionary process whereby the body attempts to deal with and heal inflammation and rid itself of toxicity.
6 Phases of Homotoxicosis
The following table outlines the 6 stages of dis-ease as they correspond to toxemia in each individual physiological system:

BRMI (2022). 6 Phases of Homotoxicosis [Table]. Biological Medicine Institute.
The 6 Phases of Homotoxicosis Explained
The Humoral Phases
The Excretion Phase
In this phase, the natural detoxification processes of the body are functioning optimally as they have not yet been stifled or blocked with compounds such as analgesics, anti-inflammatories, steroids or other immunosuppressants, nor have they been affected by toxins inside or outside the body.
In this phase, toxins that present themselves to the body are removed via natural bodily secretions such as urine, stool, sweat, and breath.
Reaction/Inflammation Phase
In this phase, toxin levels increase slightly, creating what we know to be symptoms: fever, diarrhea, vomiting, inflammation in the form of a rash, etc. and this is where we have been conditioned to reduce the severity of the symptoms in an effort to treat the illness/toxin/pathogen. Common treatments that inhibit these natural immune processes include:
- Anti-inflammatories such as NSAIDS
- Antipyretics (Acetaminophen)
- Anti-diarrhea
Unfortunately, by inhibiting the body’s natural immune function we impair its ability to clear the toxicity. What would have been removed through the stool, mucous, vomit, fever, localized swelling, or rash on the skin is now forced deeper inside the body.
The Matrix Phases
Deposition Phase
In this phase, the body is unable to properly remove the toxic load so it begins to deposit toxins into the connective tissue, adipose tissue and vascular system. It is the toxins stored in the adipose tissue (fat cells) at this point that are the reason many people suffer from unexplained weight gain that they are unable to lose and keep off in spite of diet and exercise. When the body has begun to deposit toxins into the adipose tissue and weight loss occurs, the concentration of toxicity within the body increases, thus creating more inflammation and challenging the body’s inflammatory processes more. This then results in the body creating more adipose tissue to attempt to protect itself by depositing the elevated concentration of toxins in new fat cells.
In this phase, the toxins move beyond the tissue and actually penetrate the cells, interfering with the cells’ enzymatic functions and causing what can be irreparable damage to the cells and their membranes.
At this phase, there is generally some form of chronic inflammation in what is considered “biologically less important tissue” such as connective tissue – ie. Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, chronic joint inflammation, pain, etc. This chronic inflammation triggers an immune response in and of itself, which then generates additional toxins as the body is unable to clear the cellular debris from the inflammatory process and the toxic burden begins to multiply exponentially, both from the initial toxins, as well as the secondary toxins that result from the chronic inflammation.
At this point, sleep and HPA Axis regulation become disrupted as well, as the chronic inflammation impairs the body’s ability to reach restorative Stage-4 Delta wave sleep (the only stage of sleep where the body is able to repair inflammation) and the receptors necessary to trigger the negative stress hormone feedback loop become inflamed and unable to function properly. This elevation in cortisol inversely affects the production of melatonin which then inhibits serotonin production.
It is this phase when anxiety, cognitive decline, and insomnia begin, adding a tertiary burden on the already overwhelming toxic load.
It is often at this point that people find themselves taking a cocktail of medications to manage their ever-growing list of symptoms. Sleep aids, anti-inflammatories, steroids, muscle relaxants, etc. all to make it through the day.
This cocktail of medication then increases the toxic burden yet again, putting even more strain on the body and its vital systems.
The Cellular Phases
Degeneration Phase
At this point, the toxicity has infiltrated enough cells within the system that the organs associated with that system, as a whole, begin to deteriorate. It is at this phase that we begin to see Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, and significant hormonal disruptions.
These global impairments directly affect the body’s inflammatory and immune defenses to the point where they become impaired. This is the point when HIV turns to AIDS, Metabolic Syndrome becomes Diabetes, joint pain turns to Spondylitis, nerve pain and damage becomes Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
Dedifferentiation/Neoplasm Phase
By phase 6 the cellular respiratory mechanisms are badly damaged and the body begins to suffer a global shut-down of inflammatory and immune function. This global shut-down allows for the release of extremely oxidative free radicals and the breakdown and chronic cellular death in the absence of adequate oxygen lead to a fermentation of toxins and debris, which then alters gene expression and ultimately, the control of the cellular division. This phase is the sum of the previous 5-stages and the inflammation and elevated toxic burden on the body. It is at this point that abnormal, Cancerous cells begin to develop and take hold of the body.
What This Means For You
For some, this concept may seem overwhelming, as many people reading this may have symptoms indicative of some of the later phases outlined in the table.
While this post is not to be taken as medical advice, it is my intention to help raise awareness about the stages of dis-ease within the body, as with the proper treatments, it is possible to repair a great deal of damage, even in cases of Phase 6 progression.
This post is not intended to instill fear into people, suggesting that they have Cancer or late-stage auto-immune disease, but rather it is to raise awareness of the functions of the body and the stages of disease.
True, optimal health comes from understanding these processes and remaining mindful and intentional with your daily lifestyle habits so as to preserve your vital immune function as best you can.
It is my hope that this helps clarify why you can Google a symptom and immediately end up concerned that you’ve got Lyme Disease, HIV, Cancer, or Auto-Immune Disease when you match your symptoms with those listed online.
This is not to say that vaccines cause Cancer or that HIV, Covid-19, Long Covid, or Chronic Inflammation cause Cancer. This is to highlight the core concept that there is really only one dis-ease, and that is toxicity. Regardless of what form it comes in, it affects the body in the same way, following the same sequence and ultimately overwhelming our vital systems resulting in organ dysfunction, tissue degeneration, free radical damage, and abnormal cell development. Whether that toxicity is introduced to the body via a vaccine that it was unable to clear out, a virus, a stressful event or situation, a physical injury or anything else is irrelevant. The focus should simply be on moving forward, in the healthiest way possible by supporting the emunctories (detox organs) and the natural immunological and enzymatic processes.
The difference between systems affected comes down to individual terrain and genetics, but the end result is still the same.
What You Can Do Now
Whether you have taken the Covid vaccines, opted out of them, had Covid, are going through Long Covid, suffering from Chronic Inflammation, or a combination of more than one of the above, the steps towards optimal health are the same.
Proper diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, social/emotional relationship management, spiritual wellness (regardless of what that looks like for you), are all absolutely imperative in the maintenance of good health.
If you’re concerned about any of the above, please reach out to your trusted healthcare practitioner, as this post is not intended to replace medical advice.
However, if you found this post helpful and would like to discuss how to create the space in your life to establish a healthier lifestyle, a whole-food diet filled with detoxifying and life-giving nutrients, I am here to help.