nutrition & lifestyle

Coaching Services

Coaching Services

Whether you’re looking for help with meal planning, nutrition services and guidance to help complement your current lifestyle, or you’d like to dig deeper than “Simple, Healthy Recipes” and “How to Overcome Sugar Cravings” to get to the root cause behind your health challenges, these Nutrition Coaching Services are designed with you in mind.




Let’s be honest for a second… The last thing you need is one more person telling you what you can’t have. What you shouldn’t eat. How many calories to reduce. What if, instead of focusing on lack and building resentment around health, I could offer you a program that took your favourite things, and made them better?

See, the human body is a miraculous thing, and what happens when you begin to slowly replace calorie-rich, nutrient-void foods with low-glycemic sugar alternatives, whole grains, and prebiotic fibres is that your body naturally begins to crave healthy, nourishing food.

So rather than adding to your already full plate (pun intended), why not create some excitement and inspiration about health that also happens to permeate every aspect of your life?

Remember, if energy is our currency at the end of the day, the more we make, the more we make ($$).

Not only that but just imagine for a second what you would do with extra energy and free time! And get into granular detail with that daydream, because once you’ve reconnected with your health, the sky is the limit.



If you’re ready to ditch the fad diets and calorie restrictions for something more sustainable (like a fundamental understanding of the physiological processes keeping you from achieving your health goals), or you’re looking for nutritional guidance for a picky eater or new-to-you food sensitivity or intolerance then look no further. I’ve got just what you need to overcome those nutritional hurdles without having to eliminate all of your favourite things.


If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you’ve arrived? By getting crystal clear on the why behind your health goals you will instantly feel more motivated and inspired.



First, we must identify the lifestyle factors and blockages currently preventing you from reaching an optimal state of being. The body is designed to thrive, and if it’s not functioning at its best, it’s due to a blockage.



By creating a tangible plan with individualized systems and routines, based on more than just an idea, we will be better able to continuously monitor your progress and adjust our approach as necessary.


By skipping the abundance of conflicting information online and diving right into a customized nutritional education plan designed to address your personal health concerns you can reap the benefits of nutrition coaching but also gleen a great deal of knowledge for yourself.


Once we have collectively re-established the nutritional baseline that your body requires to function at its best, while removing the barriers that prevented you from tuning into your physiological needs, you will then possess the tools and knowledge necessary to make your own empowered nutritional choices. The goal is not to remove happiness or moderation through restriction, but always to open up the lines of communication between you and your body so that you can hear what it has to say, and allow that to be your guide.

areas of focus


At The Well Collective, Nutrition Coaching is much more than simple meal plans and restrictive diets. I believe that there are many layers to one’s relationship with nutrition and I am here to help you explore those layers to gain clarity and control of your health and well-being.


Label Reading

An entire facet of Nutritional Coaching on its own, label reading is your first step in committing to a healthier lifestyle. When was the last time you checked the labels of your most-used products and your favourite foods?

Holistic Nutrition

If you’re focused on weight loss, what to eat with an auto-immune disease, prenatal and postnatal nutrition tips, anti-inflammatory foods, or you’re simply seeking advice on how to best nutritionally serve your body, basic Holistic Nutrition is a great place to start.


Picky & Restrictive Eating (ARFID)

Whether you’re dealing with food aversions associated with Autism or Sensory Processing Disorder; or you, your child, or a loved one suffers from the restrictions and nutritional deficits often associated with picky and selective eating habits, I have developed a system unlike any of the others that works with the nervous system and the body’s physiological processes to sensory defensiveness and encourage the development of healthy eating habits.



The beautiful thing about a healthy lifestyle (and I’m talking about an actual lifestyle, not  an attempt at a fad diet or calorie restriction) is that the more aligned you are with your body’s needs and cues, the more your body actually works to begin the healing process — all on its own!

Rather than a diet plan that focuses on restriction and a list of things you can’t have (like your beloved carbs, sugar, and pizza), I help clients adjust their perspective and bolster their relationship with food. I help you get excited about what you can have.  (No kale chips and cauliflower rice on the first day unless you want it. I promise.)

By facilitating a healthy relationship with food, while creating the necessary space amidst the chaos of life to finally put yourself first, something amazing happens. Your body does the work for you. It does what it was designed to do — and that is to function at optimal performance and carry you gracefully into old age doing the things that set your soul on fire, with the people you love the most.

It’s really that simple, so if that sounds like something you want in on, it would be my pleasure to begin this journey with you.