get to know me.
hey there,
i’m alexandra scott.
Canadian Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach bringing balanced, sustainable, and healthy lifestyle solutions to the overwhelmed and utterly exhausted.
My passion for health began in the womb and followed me throughout my life, but it wasn’t until I had children of my own with their own extensive medical needs that my passion grew to become my purpose.
Not only did my countless hours of research and schooling lead me to a better understanding of Autism, Neurodiversity, and Auto-Immune Disease, but it also opened my eyes to the concept of Homotoxicology and the origins of disease (which sounds a lot scarier than it actually is. Trust me.)
After having kids I would soon learn that science doesn’t always equate to health, and it is this important distinction that separates a symptom suppressor from a root cause hunter. I consider myself the latter.
I don’t treat symptoms. You have your body for that. I’m simply a facilitator of sorts. Facilitating the removal of blockages — whether they’re physical, mental, or emotional.
We live in a world of excess while simultaneously being one of the most deficient generations of all time.
We have access to more food than any generation before us, and yet the vast majority of people are nutrient deficient.
There is a “quick and easy”, time-saving option for everything — food, health, work… and yet no one seems to have a minute to spare.
We have infinite access to comfort and yet few people are well-rested. Instead, most are plagued by insomnia and broken, disrupted sleep.
And it is this life of dichotomy that I help people just like you find balance within.
Health is so much more than diet alone, and while I am a Nonna at heart who loves to cook and create healthy, simple, life-giving recipes; I am also a firm believer in the power of truly understanding the physiological processes of the body and how to optimize them in order to thrive.
I believe that everyone deserves to live a life of Eudaemonia (the condition of flourishing and of living well in every area of life) and I’m here to help you find yours.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
The beautiful thing about a healthy lifestyle (and I’m talking about an actual lifestyle, not an attempt at a fad diet or calorie restriction) is that the more aligned you are with your body’s needs and cues, the more your body actually works to begin the healing process — all on its own!
Rather than a diet plan that focuses on restriction and a list of things you can’t have (like your beloved carbs, sugar, and pizza), I help clients adjust their perspective and bolster their relationship with food. I help you get excited about what you can have. (No kale chips and cauliflower rice on the first day unless you want it. I promise.)
By facilitating a healthy relationship with food, while creating the necessary space amidst the chaos of life to finally put yourself first, something amazing happens. Your body does the work for you. It does what it was designed to do — and that is to function at optimal performance and carry you gracefully into old age doing the things that set your soul on fire, with the people you love the most.
It’s really that simple, so if that sounds like something you want in on, it would be my pleasure to begin this journey with you.

If you’re still not quite sure if this is right for you, or you simply have a question, I’d love to hear from you!